What You Need to Know About the Looming ‘Sunset’ of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

by Sequoia Financial Group

by Sequoia Financial Group
Unless Congress acts, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) 2017 will “sunset” on Dec. 31, 2025, and NOW is the time to prepare!
Why should you care? Taxpayers could see higher income tax brackets, the standard deduction could be cut almost in half, and the estate and gift tax exemption could also be massively reduced, and that’s just the beginning!
Download “What You Need to Know about the Looming ‘Sunset’ of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” now!
You’ll gain a better understanding of:
- The critical elements of the TCJA to consider,
- The income tax rate implications of the TCJA sunset,
- Tax deductions and credits to consider,
- How to utilize the estate and gift tax exemption, and
- Planning ideas for you to make the most of your tax strategy.
The expiration of the TCJA could result in higher tax burdens for both individuals and businesses! Read Sequoia Financial Group’s “What You Need to Know about the Looming ‘Sunset’ of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” and learn how you and your family can prepare!
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